Saturday, July 15, 2017

Robert Lafore 4th Edition Solution Manual Chapter 3 Loops and Decisions


1.  Assume you want to generate a table of multiples of any given number. Write a program that
  allows the user to enter the number, and then generates the table, formatting it into 10 columns and
  20 lines. Interaction with the program should look like this (only the first three lines are shown): 
  Enter a number: 7

     7   14   21   28   35   42   49   56   63   70
    77   84   91   98  105  112  119  126  133  140
   147  154  161  168  175  182  189  196  203  210

using namespace std;
int main()
 int i, j, entred_int;

 cout<<"Enter a number: "; cin >>entred_int;
 for(i=0; i<20; i++)
        {for(j=0; j<10; j++) 

2.  Write a temperature-conversion program that gives the user the option of converting Fahrenheit
  to Celsius or Celsius to Fahrenheit. Then carry out the conversion. Use floating-point numbers.
  Interaction with the program might look like this: 

  Type 1 to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius,
       2 to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit: 1
  Enter temperature in Fahrenheit: 70
  In Celsius that’s 21.111111

using namespace std;
int main()
 int choise; float temp;

 cout<<"Type 1 to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius,\n     2 to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit: ";
 cin >>choise;
 switch(choise){ //replacable by if ... else .
  case   2:
   cout<<"Enter temperature in Celsius: ";    cin >>temp;
   cout<<"In Fahrenheit that's "<<(9*temp/5)+32;
  case   1:
   cout<<"Enter temperature in Fahrenheit: "; cin >>temp;
   cout<<"In Celsius that's "   <<((temp-32)*5)/9;
  default :
   cout<<"Invalid choise try again !";}

3.  Operators such as >>, which read input from the keyboard, must be able to convert a series of
  digits into a number. Write a program that does the same thing. It should allow the user to type up
  to six digits, and then display the resulting number as a type long integer. The digits should be read
  individually, as characters, using getche(). Constructing the number involves multiplying the existing
  value by 10 and then adding the new digit. (Hint: Subtract 48 or ‘0’ to go from ASCII to a
  numerical digit.) 
  Here’s some sample interaction: 
  Enter a number: 123456
  Number is: 123456

using namespace std;
int main()
 int i; long _output; char char_input;
 cout<<"Enter a number (Maximum six characters): ";
 _output = 0; i=0;
 //ASCII('\r') == 13
 while((char_input=getche()) != 13 && i<6){
  _output = 10*_output + (char_input - 48);
 if(i == 6) cout<<"\b ";
 cout<<"\nNumber is: "<<_output;

4.  Create the equivalent of a four-function calculator. The program should request the user to
  enter a number, an operator, and another number. (Use floating point.) It should then carry out the
  specified arithmetical operation: adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing the two numbers. Use a
  switch statement to select the operation. Finally, display the result. 
  When it finishes the calculation, the program should ask if the user wants to do another calculation.
  The response can be ‘y’ or ‘n’. Some sample interaction with the program might look like this:
  Enter first number, operator, second number: 10 / 3
  Answer = 3.333333
  Do another (y/n)? y
  Enter first number, operator, second number: 12 + 100
  Answer = 112
  Do another (y/n)? n

using namespace std;

void calcul(void); //calculations function.
void asking(void); //asking to continue function.
intt main()
 cout<<"\n\n !Press c to continue or any key to exit."<<endl<<endl;

void calcul(void)
 float num[2]; char operation;

 cout<<"\nEnter first number, operator, second number: ";
 cin >>num[0]>>operation>>num[1];
 case '+':
  cout<<"Answer = "<<num[0] + num[1]<<endl;
 case '-':
  cout<<"Answer = "<<num[0] - num[1]<<endl;
 case '*':
  cout<<"Answer = "<<num[0] * num[1]<<endl;
 case '/':
  if(num[1] != 0) cout<<"Answer = "<<num[0] / num[1]<<endl;
  else           {cout<<"Math error !"<<endl; calcul();}
  cout<<"Unknow operator please try again !"<<endl;

void asking()
 cout<<"\nDo another (y/n)? ";
 case 'Y':
 case 'N':

5.  Use for loops to construct a program that displays a pyramid of Xs on the screen. The pyramid
  should look like this 


  except that it should be 20 lines high, instead of the 5 lines shown here. One way to do this is to nest
  two inner loops, one to print spaces and one to print Xs, inside an outer loop that steps down the
  screen from line to line.

using namespace std;
int main()
 for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
  for(int X=0   ; X<20   ; X++) cout<<" "; //This line optional to make the pyramid on the midlle.
  for(int j=20-i; j>0    ; j--) cout<<" ";
  for(int k=0   ; k<2*i+1; k++) cout<<"X";
  6.  Modify the FACTOR program in this chapter so that it repeatedly asks for a number and
  calculates its factorial, until the user enters 0, at which point it terminates. You can enclose the
  relevant statements in FACTOR in a while loop or a do loop to achieve this effect.*/
using namespace std;

// The FACTOR program:
!#include <iostream>
!using namespace std;
!int main()
!   {
!   unsigned int numb;
!   unsigned long fact=1;             //long for larger numbers
!   cout << “Enter a number: ”;
!   cin >> numb;                      //get number
!   for(int j=numb; j>0; j--)         //multiply 1 by
!   fact *= j;                     //numb, numb-1, ..., 2, 1
!   cout << “Factorial is ” << fact << endl;
!   return 0;
!   }

void main(void)
 cout<<"### Programmed By Amahdy(MrJava) ,right restricted.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";

 unsigned int numb, i;
 unsigned long fact;

 cout<<"Enter a number: ";
 cin >>numb;
 fact=1; i=0;
 for(i=numb; i>0; i--) fact *= i;
 cout<<"\n\nFactorial is "<<fact<<endl;
 cout<<" !Enter 0 to exit or any other number to calculate it's factorial: ";
 cin >>numb;

7.  Write a program that calculates how much money you’ll end up with if you invest an amount of
  money at a fixed interest rate, compounded yearly. Have the user furnish the initial amount, the
  number of years, and the yearly interest rate in percent. Some interaction with the program might
  look like this: 
  Enter initial amount: 3000
  Enter number of years: 10
  Enter interest rate (percent per year): 5.5
  At the end of 10 years, you will have 5124.43 dollars.
  At the end of the first year you have 3000 + (3000 * 0.055), which is 3165. At the end of the
  second year you have 3165 + (3165 * 0.055), which is 3339.08. Do this as many times as there
  are years. A for loop makes the calculation easy.

using namespace std;
int main()

 int num_year; float init_amount, intrst_rate;

 cout<<"Enter initial amount                  : "; 
 cin >>init_amount;
 cout<<"Enter number of years                 : "; 
 cin >>num_year   ;
 cout<<"Enter interest rate (percent per year): "; 
 cin >>intrst_rate;
 for(int i=0; i<num_year; i++) init_amount += init_amount*intrst_rate/100;
 cout<<"At the end of "<<num_year
  <<" years, you will have "<<init_amount
  <<" dollars.";
 cout<<"\n\n !Press c to continue or any key to exit."<<endl<<endl;

8.  Write a program that repeatedly asks the user to enter two money amounts expressed in old-
  style British currency: pounds, shillings, and pence. (See Exercises 10 and 12 in Chapter 2, “++
  Programming Basics.”) The program should then add the two amounts and display the answer,
  again in pounds, shillings, and pence. Use a do loop that asks the user if the program should be
  terminated. Typical interaction might be 
  Enter first amount: £5.10.6
  Enter second amount: £3.2.6
  Total is £8.13.0
  Do you wish to continue (y/n)?
  To add the two amounts, you’ll need to carry 1 shilling when the pence value is greater than 11, and
  carry 1 pound when there are more than 19 shillings.*/

using namespace std;
int main()
 int m[2][3]; char sep; //m (money), sep (char_separator).

 cout<<"Enter first amount : \x9c";
 cin >>m[0][0]>>sep>>m[0][1]>>sep>>m[0][2];
 cout<<"Enter second amount: \x9c";
 cin >>m[1][0]>>sep>>m[1][1]>>sep>>m[1][2];
 m[0][0] += m[1][0]; m[0][1] += m[1][1]; m[0][2] += m[1][2];
 if(m[0][2]>11){m[0][1] += static_cast<int>(m[0][2]/12); m[0][2] %= 12;}
 if(m[0][1]>19){m[0][0] += static_cast<int>(m[0][1]/20); m[0][1] %= 20;}
 cout<<"Total is           : \x9c"<<m[0][0]<<sep<<m[0][1]<<sep<<m[0][2];
 cout<<"\n\n !Press c to continue or any key to exit."<<endl<<endl;

9.  Suppose you give a dinner party for six guests, but your table seats only four. In how many ways
  can four of the six guests arrange themselves at the table? Any of the six guests can sit in the first
  chair. Any of the remaining five can sit in the second chair. Any of the remaining four can sit in the
  third chair, and any of the remaining three can sit in the fourth chair. (The last two will have to
  stand.) So the number of possible arrangements of six guests in four chairs is 6*5*4*3, which is
  360. Write a program that calculates the number of possible arrangements for any number of guests
  and any number of chairs. (Assume there will never be fewer guests than chairs.) Don’t let this get
  too complicated. A simple for loop should do it.

using namespace std;
int main()
 int ch_num, gs_num, result;
 cout<<"Enter number of guests                 : \xdb "; cin >>gs_num;
 cout<<"Enter number of chairs                 : \xdb "; cin >>ch_num;
 result=1; for(int i=0; i<ch_num; i++) result*=(gs_num-i);
 cout<<"The number of possible arrangements is : \xdb "<<result;
 cout<<"\n\n !Press c to continue or any key to exit."<<endl<<endl;

10.  Write another version of the program from Exercise 7 so that, instead of finding the final
  amount of your investment, you tell the program the final amount and it figures out how many years it
  will take, at a fixed rate of interest compounded yearly, to reach this amount. What sort of loop is
  appropriate for this problem? (Don’t worry about fractional years; use an integer value for the year.)

using namespace std;
int main()

 int i; float init_amount, intrst_rate, finl_amount;

 cout<<"Enter initial amount                  : "; cin >>init_amount;
 cout<<"Enter interest rate (percent per year): "; cin >>intrst_rate;
 cout<<"Enter final amount                    : "; cin >>finl_amount;
 while(finl_amount>=init_amount) {finl_amount -= finl_amount*intrst_rate/100; i++;}
 cout<<"Number of years is                    : "<<i;
 cout<<"\n\n !Press c to continue or any key to exit."<<endl<<endl;

11.  Create a three-function calculator for old-style English currency, where money amounts are
  specified in pounds, shillings, and pence. (See Exercises 10 and 12 in Chapter 2.) The calculator
  should allow the user to add or subtract two money amounts, or to multiply a money amount by a
  floating-point number. (It doesn’t make sense to multiply two money amounts; there is no such thing
  as square money. We’ll ignore division. Use the general style of the ordinary four-function
  calculator in Exercise 4 in this chapter.)

using namespace std;
void chk_overs(void);
int m[3][3]; char c[3];

int main()
 cout<<"Enter the currency opperation: ";
 cin >>m[0][0]>>c[0]>>m[0][1]>>c[1]>>m[0][2]>>c[2];
 case '+':
  cin >>m[1][0]>>c[0]>>m[1][1]>>c[1]>>m[1][2];
  m[0][0] += m[1][0]; m[0][1] += m[1][1]; m[0][2] += m[1][2];
  cout<<"Answer = "<<m[0][0]<<c[0]<<m[0][1]<<c[1]<<m[0][2];
 case '-':
  cin >>m[1][0]>>c[0]>>m[1][1]>>c[1]>>m[1][2];
  m[0][0] -= m[1][0]; m[0][1] -= m[1][1]; m[0][2] -= m[1][2];
  cout<<"Answer = "<<m[0][0]<<c[0]<<m[0][1]<<c[1]<<m[0][2];
 case '*':
  cin >>m[1][0];
  m[0][0] *= m[1][0]; m[0][1] *= m[1][0]; m[0][2] *= m[1][0];
  cout<<"Answer = "<<m[0][0]<<c[0]<<m[0][1]<<c[1]<<m[0][2];
 default :
  cout<<"Syntex or operation error, check your inputs again.";}
 cout<<"\n\n !Press c to continue or any key to exit."<<endl<<endl;

void chk_overs(void)
 if(m[0][2]>11){m[0][1] += static_cast<int>(m[0][2]/12); m[0][2] %= 12;}
 if(m[0][1]>19){m[0][0] += static_cast<int>(m[0][1]/20); m[0][1] %= 20;}

12.  Create a four-function calculator for fractions. (See Exercise 9 in Chapter 2, and Exercise 4 in
  this chapter.) Here are the formulas for the four arithmetic operations applied to fractions:
  Addition:         a/b + c/d = (a*d + b*c) / (b*d)  
  Subtraction:      a/b - c/d = (a*d - b*c) / (b*d)  
  Multiplication:   a/b * c/d = (a*c) / (b*d)  
  Division:         a/b / c/d = (a*d) / (b*c)  

  The user should type the first fraction, an operator, and a second fraction. The program should then
  display the result and ask if the user wants to continue.

using namespace std;
int main()

 int first[2], last[2];
 char op[2];

 cout<<"Enter your task : ";
 cin >>first[0]>>op[0]>>last[0]>>op[1]
 if(!last[0] || !last[1]) {cout<<"Illeagle fraction !"<<endl; op[1] = false;}
 switch(op[1]) {
 case '+':
  cout<<"Answer = "<<(first[0]*last[1] + last[0]*first[1])<<op[0]<<(last[0]*last[1]);
 case '-':
  cout<<"Answer = "<<(first[0]*last[1] - last[0]*first[1])<<op[0]<<(last[0]*last[1]);
 case '*':
  cout<<"Answer = "<<first[0]*first[1]<<op[0]<<last[0]*last[1];
 case '/':
  if(first[1] != 0) cout<<"Answer = "<<first[0]*last[1]<<op[0]<<first[1]*last[0];
  else              cout<<"Math error !"<<endl;
  cout<<"Unknow operator please try again !"<<endl;}
 cout<<"\n\n !Press c to continue or any key to exit."<<endl<<endl;

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